Estudiar i treballar a l'estranger

Combinar estudis i experiència laboral.

Work experience providers:
Estudiar en inglés y trabajar en Irlanda, asesoría:

Passanties, llocs de treball pagats, posicions de treball no remunerat,  voluntariat.

Cada any milers d'estudiants vviatgen  al Regne Unit per aprendre anglès i combinar els seus estudis amb experiència laboral i programes de pràctiques en empreses i altres organitzacions. Mitjançant la realització de pràctiques en empreses, els estudiants poden adquirir experiència pràctica en entorns reals de treball, aprendre una àmplia gamma d'habilitats pràctiques i millorar les seves habilitats en anglès. Es pot aconseguir un certificat acadèmic i un certificat internacionalment reconegut de l'experiència laboral i això millora significativament les seves oportunitats de carrera.

Aquesta organització ofereix programes d'experiència laboral a estudiants dels països de visat. Els programes han de complir amb tots els criteris legítims requerits per UKBA. Cada centre proporciona i utilitza els materials apropiats per a l'ensenyament d'anglès i experiència laboral.

Internships, paid work positions, un-paid work positions, volunteering positions

Every year thousands of students come to the UK to learn English and take other courses of study. Increasingly students are combining their studies with Work Experience and Internship Programmes in companies and other organisations. By undertaking work placements, students can gain hands-on experience in real working environments, learn a broad range of practical skills and improve their English language abilities. They can achieve an Academic Certificate and an internationally recognised Certificate of Work Experience and this significantly enhances their career opportunities.

All Work Experience UK member centres are accredited against British Council rigorous quality standards, and they are full members of English UK, the world’s leading language teaching association. In addition, each member has committed themselves to the Work Experience UK Charter which reflect the high professional standards, including:

Each Centre provides Work Experience Programmes as a core part of their English Language Training, and is accredited by the British Council through a scheme of regular inspection.

Each Centre uses premises appropriate for adult clients who are following courses in English or other Training for professional purposes and which meet all health and safety standards and are DDA compliant.

Each Centre offers work experience programmes to students from visa countries. The programmes must meet all the legitimate criteria required by UKBA.

Each Centre provides and uses materials appropriate for the teaching of English and Work Experience.

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